ABC Winter Duathlon Series – Round 2

ABC Winter Duathlon Series – Round 2

January 11, 2016 Off By petef

A wet but really enjoyable day up at Monikie Country Park yesterday.

The rain held off long enough to start just as we got going, fantastic!

The slippery conditions underfoot caused some havoc on the run legs particularly the 2nd run.

Still it added to the fun element.

The mens race was dominated from start to finish by Drew Sharkey with a time of 1:08:56. His very fast first run being the decisive factor. He led from start to finish.

Second and third was contested by Robert Harrison and Peter Flick with only two seconds separating them in the end after Roberts lead was was pegged back on the bike leg. Robert held out on the run in a ding dong battle. Peter posted the fastest bike split of the day.

The womens event saw a very closely fought contest between Laura Kent (1st), 1:14:25, and Ashley Pearson (2nd). Laura leading from the first run leg and in the end winning by over a minute.

Ingrid Kidd of Angus Bike Chain finished in 3rd place a few minutes back however posted a storming bike split of 39 minutes 36 seconds (including both transitions), the 5th fastest of the day, and that includes the men!

Provisional results can be found here in Excel format, bike splits include both transitions. Detailed and verified results will be emailed to competitors and uploaded when complete.

The combined results for Round 1 and 2 can be found here.